Volunteer Application Form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Age Range * 13-18 19-35 36-50 51-64 65+ What volunteer position(s) are you interested in? * Check any and all that apply! Front Desk YDIP (Youth Drop-in) Events Hands-on tasks (moving, building, fixing) How many hours would you ideally like to volunteer each week? * There's no right or wrong answer! One day per week (4-8 hours) Two days per week (8-16 hours) Three days per week (16-24 hours) More than three days (24 hours) per week Each volunteer must obtain a Criminal Record Check (including Vulnerable Sectors check). * Criminal Record checks can be obtained at the Leduc RCMP detachment. We will provide you with a letter as proof of volunteership, which will waive the typical $25 fee. If you are unable to provide a record check, you will need to work alongside another volunteer. I understand that I must obtain and present this documentation prior to starting my volunteer duties. I cannot obtain this documentation. What special skills, abilities, attributes, or experiences would make you an asset to our team? * Things to consider: background in art and design, additional languages spoken, first aid training, administrative experience, etc. Do you have any medical conditions or alerts you wish to make our team aware of? * Please list an emergency contact: * Emergency contact's relationship to volunteer: * Emergency contact's phone number: * Waiver of Liability * I hereby release the Leduc Arts Foundry from liability for any loss, damage or injury (including permanent disability and death), which I may sustain as a result of my volunteering. Terms In consideration of my volunteer work, I acknowledge and understand and agree that: My volunteer duties and responsibilities have been explained in details; Either the Leduc Arts Foundry or myself may terminate this volunteer relationship at any time without notice. I agree to the conditions I do not agree to the conditions Insurance * I acknowledge, understand and agree that: The Leduc Arts Foundry accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to my personal property that may incur in relation to volunteering. As a Leduc Arts Foundry volunteer I am included as an “additional insured” on the Leduc Arts Foundry's general liability insurance policy. I agree to the conditions I do not agree to the conditions Privacy * I (the Volunteer) agree to the following terms and give my permission to use photos of me taken at the Leduc Arts Foundry to be used in future publications and Leduc Arts Foundry promotions. Your personal information is protected from unauthorized access, use and disclosure through the privacy provisions of FOIP. I agree to the conditions I do not agree to the conditions Affirmation of Truthful Information * By submitting this Volunteer Application, I acknowledge this information is true and accurate. I am aware that by signing this Agreement, I am waiving certain Legal Rights, which I may have against the Leduc Arts Foundry. I agree to the conditions I do not agree to the conditions Thank you!