Page Turners - Altered Books as Paths to Self-exploration
With Kaeli Feehan
Date & Time: March 27, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Location: LRC Location
Fee: $50.00
Ages: 16+
In this introductory workshop participants will dive into the world of altered books, turning ordinary discarded library books into extraordinary works of art that reflect their inner narratives. Altered books offer a powerful medium for self-expression and exploration.
By re-purposing discarded library books, participants are invited to reclaim and reinterpret their own experiences and emotions. Through collage, painting, drawing, and mixed-media techniques, each participant will be invited to explore their inner world and unleash their creativity throughout the pages of their repurposed books.
This class is led by an art therapist. Although it is not a therapy session, it incorporates therapeutic elements throughout the artistic process to promote wellness and mental health.