In the gallery November:
Rise Up Society of Alberta
This exhibit consists of artworks created by participants in workshops that were developed in partnership with Rise Up Society, offering support and creative expression outlets for victims of intimate partner violence. The purpose of using glass as a medium is meant to be symbolic of the strength, beauty and resilience of something also fragile and brittle. Participants created their works based on their frame of mind during the workshops. Content in the pieces covers hopefulness, anger, shame, strength, gratitude, mourning and more.
For information on these workhops, please email Ryley Miller at ryley@riseupsociety.ca
Art Heals 2023
Come join us for a powerful & impactful event that celebrates the healing power of art! Art Heals, presented by The Riseup Society Alberta & The Leduc Arts Foundry, is a one-of-a-kind experience that represents the struggles of domestic violence & abuse through art.
Art Heals will include:
-Silent auction featuring pieces by Riseup Society Alberta clients
-Speakers Crystal Stretch & Michelle Schwengler
-50/50 and door raffle
-Live music & live painter